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Choir Singer
Register Online

You've made it here! Start registration below and look for an email with more info.
We look forward to singing with you! 

Rehearsal Schedule:  Fridays 2:30-3:30pm

Rehearsal Place: Morgan Rock Church

First Rehearsal: August 30th, 2024

Age Requirement: 3-18 yrs old

Tuition Fees: $55 per child per semester by

August 30, 2024. Late fee of $15/family after Sept. 12th, 2024.

Spring Semester is January 5th-April 26th 2024

Fall Semester is August 30th-December 9th 2024

MVCC Groups

Age groups will be defined as the grade your child is currently attending in school. 

 15% off
2+ /family

Register early and be entered to win

FREE TUITION for Fall 2024!


A drawing will be held on August 26, 2024 for one choir member to receive reimbursement of Fall 2024 Tuition. Entries must fully complete registration by doing the following:

1. Read "Policies and Procedures and Register choir member

2. Read and initial the Acknowledgement of Risks form

3. Pay the tuition in full via Venmo, Cash, or Check

The winner will be notified and reimbursed $55.00 for Fall 2024 Tuition.  


Mini Melodies

Pre-School & Kindergarten

Harmony Heroes

1st-4th graders


5th-8th graders

To start registration,  read policies and procedures below. Fill out form and check the
"I have read and agree" box. Once you agree, the NEXT STEP button will appear. 

You will then be directed to complete registration. 
Thank you!

MVCC Policies and Procedures

Choir Fees:


Registration fee(s): $55 per child for each Semester. The 1st Semester (Fall) is September to the middle of December. The 2nd Semester (Spring) is January through April.

The tuition fee will be required at the beginning of registration and are due at the 1st Rehearsal. A late fee of $15 will be owed 

per family at 12am on Sept. 12th, 2024. Late Registration ends on September 12, 2024. We will be unable to register anyone after September 12, 2024. Music, equipment, costumes, and props are covered by the fees and donations.


Release of Liability:


Parents and legal guardians of minors waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained at rehearsal or performance venues resulting from normal lessons or class activities or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after the lesson/rehearsal/performance/activity time. Pictures of students in class activities or performances may be used for class photos, t-shirts, studio website, social media posts, press releases and publicity materials. MVCC is not responsible for lost or stolen property.




Good attendance at rehearsals helps to ensure that we are providing good musical quality performances. Please try  to make it to as many rehearsals as you can.  Please email or text if you must miss a rehearsal or performance.


What We Expect from Choir Members:


1. Be on time for all rehearsals and performances. 

2. No gum, food, or drinks (except water bottle) at rehearsals or performances. 

3. Leave all toys at home, in the car, or with an adult. They cause major distractions during rehearsals. 

4. Only registered choir members and parents are allowed at rehearsals. Friends or siblings are not 

allowed to attend. It is a liability and a distraction.

5. Use the bathroom before rehearsals or performances. 

6. Pay attention to the director. 

7. Listen to music and practice in between rehearsals

8. Come ready to sing, learn, and have FUN!


What You Can Expect from the Directors:


  1. We will be prepared for each rehearsal and performance

  2. We will start and end on time.

  3. We will communicate important information clearly and often through email and Group Me.

  4. We will be reachable by phone in emergencies.

  5. We will treat each singer as an individual learner and encourage all singers to wholly develop through actively experiencing and creating music.

  6. We will handle behavior situations calmly and consistently and communicate issues clearly and objectively to families if they arise. 


*Please check box next to "I have read and agree to the policies & procedures" after you and your child(ren) have read and agree to the Morgan Valley Children’s Choir expectations and policies. After the box is checked, the "submit" button will appear.  On the next page you can pay the fee and sign the  Acknowledgement of Risks Agreements to finish the registration process.  Thank you!



Start Registration Here

Please check all of the performances you can commit to attend. If you come to all of them, you will be entered in a drawing to be reimbursed your tuition and the choir member receives a prize!

Fall 2024 Performances

​A drawing will be held on Aug. 26, 2024 for one choir member to receive reimbursement of Fall 2024 Tuition. Entries must fully commit to and participate in all Fall 2024 performances.

The winner will be announced at the MVCC concert and reimbursed $55.00 for Fall 2024 Tuition.  


After you read the policies and agree below, the NEXT STEP button will appear. You will then be directed to complete registration. 
Thank You

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